
I have 2 IP address on my NIC. The second one added as an Alternate.
Say a.b.c.10 and a.b.c.12. I need all the connections to originate from a.b.c.12.
For DCOM connections originating from this machine, is it possible to control the “originator” IP?
For specific applications, I bind to the IP I need to use and control this but cannot figure how to ensure DCOM also does this.
DCOM config allows me to set ports and protocols as endpoints. Not IP Addresses.

I do not believe there is a way to restrict DCOM to use only specific IP addresses. DCOM will bind to all available IP addresses in your system. What I think would work in your case is to configure the Windows firewall to block all of the DCOM related ports both inbound and outbound for just the IP address you DON’T want DCOM to use. Be sure to block all of the potential ports DCOM may use:
RPC | TCP | 135 |
Randomly allocated high TCP ports | TCP | random port number between 49152 – 65535 |
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