
I try to install the destributable components (opc-core-components-redistributable-x64-20150731.zip). It seems ok, no error,but when i look in the directory in which the components should be installt, it is empty. where are my files? where are the opc – dlls? I work with Win 8.1 and .net framework 4.6. can anybody helps me.


May I also comment that in my case the only DLL’s installed are in SysWOW64, which I assume are the 32-bit DLL’s. There are no DLL’s installed in System32.
64-bit OPC client applications get an error “Interface not supported” when attempting to connect to OPC servers.
32-bit applications work as expected.
This does not seem to be working as expected.
The redistributable installed is the latest one from the OPC Foundation web site (opc-core-components-redistributable-x64-20150731)


Thanks for the feedback.
I have managed to get the 64-bit client working by copying the OPC dll’s from SysWOW64 into the same folder where our 64-bit executable is located. I must say that I don’t really understand why it works but I assume there’s a valid reason. So far so good.
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