
I have download the OPC DA source then run the run source code in VS2013.
With Command line Arguments: “-rx DefaultRegistration.xml” Command Line arguments in “OPC .NET OPC Server Configuration Tool” solution
The .NET server wrapper does not implement any OPC interfaces.
at Opc.ConfigTool.RegisteredDotNetOpcServer.Register() in d:\OPC DA Wrapper\Source\NET API\Sample Server\ConfigTool\Classes\RegisteredDotNetOpcServer.cs:line 342 at Opc.ConfigTool.RegisteredDotNetOpcServer.Import(String filepath, Boolean register) in d:\OPC DA Wrapper\Source\NET API\Sample Server\ConfigTool\Classes\RegisteredDotNetOpcServer.cs:line 150 at Opc.ConfigTool.Program.ProcessCommandLine() in d:\OPC DA Wrapper\Source\NET API\Sample Server\ConfigTool\Program.cs:line 153
Without Command line Arguments:
- Click on “Task” -> opens “Register .NET OPC Server dialog” -> then click on “Browse” button select “OpcDaSampleServer.dll” from “OPC .NET API Sample Data Access Server” solution.
- Shows “Wrapper Process” and Description fields are empty
- Click on “OK” button shows below Error
No wrapper process selected.
at Opc.ConfigTool.RegisterServerDlg.OkBTN_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in d:\OPC DA Wrapper\Source\NET API\Sample Server\ConfigTool\Controls\RegisterServerDlg.cs:line 149


I have fixed this issue.
I’m using VS2013 in Windows 2012 R2.
You should register “OPC Da Server Wrapper.exe” first.
1.- Search for binnary file in your folders and execute:
“OPC DA Server Wrapper.exe” -RegServer
2.- Then open Opc.Config.Tool.exe and register the library OpcDaSampleServer.dll. Files “OpcDaWrapper.config.xml” and “OpcDaWrapper.device.xml” should be in the same folder.


Hi, I’ve got the same problem. But additionally I don’t know where to get the wrapper.
This (https://newwebsite.opcfoundati…..on-wrapper) automation wrapper is probably wrong and requires .NET Framework 1.1.4322.
I started with “opc-net-api-sample-clients-2.01.107-20180130.zip” and also executed “OPC Core Components Redistributable (x64) 3.00.107.msi”.
Where do I get the wrapper?


Mindbit is the latest member. I searched again but did not find anything. Even the documentation I found, did not push me forward.
In “opc-net-api-sample-clients-2.01.107-20180130.zip” there is a “OPC NET API.sln” which contains a “OPC NET COM Wrapper (Net40)” project with a “OpcCom.Da.Wrapper.Server.cs” class. That sounds good but “OPC NET COM Wrapper (Net40)” is just a library.
Is there any documentation that can help me? The “NET API\Docs\” gave me no clue.


The .NET sample server requires a C++ wrapper EXE which is part of this package:
Unfortunately, the wrapper EXE is still VS2008 and has not been tested with the latest .NET framework. That said, there no known reason that would cause a failure after the upgrade.


Thanks! Yes you are right. Blame an me.
I hoped that there is also a C# solution. Ok. My next challenge is then to solve this ticket.
Randy, you pushed me forward.
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