Remote access to inproc server (DLL server)|Classic OPC: DA, A&E, HDA, XML-DA, etc.|Forum|OPC Foundation This forum requires Javascript to be enabled for posting content Log InSelect ForumAnnouncementsProduct and Service RequestsSuggestionsOPC MarketplaceOPC UA StandardOPC UA Companion StandardsOPC UA Implementation: Stacks, Tools, an…OPC Certification and Interoperability T…Classic OPC: DA, A&E, HDA, XML-DA, e…Miscellaneous SearchAdvanced SearchSearchForum ScopeCurrent forumAll forumsMatchMatch any wordMatch all wordsMatch phraseForum OptionsPosts onlyTopic titles onlyPosts and topic titlesMinimum search word length is 3 characters - maximum search word length is 84 characters Search Login name Password Remember me Lost password? HomeForumClassic OPC: DA, A&E, HDA, XML-…Remote access to inproc server (DLL… Remote access to inproc server (DLL server)Jochen BehnkeNew MemberMembersForum Posts: 2Member Since: 11/28/2016 Offline107/20/2017 - 05:22 Hello, is it possible to remotely access an inproc OPC server (DLL server)? I already tried it, but had no success. Any hint is appreciated Regards Jochen Randy ArmstrongAdmin Forum Posts: 1549Member Since: 05/30/2017 Offline207/20/2017 - 23:44 You need to configure the DLL to run in a surrogates. See:…..s.85).aspx Jochen BehnkeNew MemberMembersForum Posts: 2Member Since: 11/28/2016 Offline307/21/2017 - 00:22 Thanks for the quick response. I’ll have a look at the microsoft article. Forum Timezone: America/PhoenixMost Users Ever Online: 510Currently Online: Guest(s) 78Currently Browsing this Page: 1 Guest(s)Top Posters: Forum Stats: Groups: 2Forums: 10Topics: 1423Posts: 4815 Usage Policy © Simple:Press — Privacy Policy New / Updated TopicsHow to reuse already trusted certificate…How to read structured datatype from PLC…Gettings started with AliasesGet rid of insecure Transport Layer Secu…Know all remote alarmsWhat is "standard Property"?nodeSet Opc.Ua.Machinery.Result.NodeSet2…How to start with securing an OPC UA app…Is is allowed to have UA Variable as met…Detect event "client create subscription…JSON/JavsScript WebSite Feedback and Que…Create Opc Ua Serveur c# with custom str…Documentation GeneratorFAQ: Identifying NodesExpired CRL - what are the consequences …ModelCompiler BaseType reference not val…AE Refresh behaviourHow to differentiate between branch and …