UA COM Interop - UA COM Server Wrapper : is client capable to browse topics' tags?|Classic OPC: DA, A&E, HDA, XML-DA, etc.|Forum|OPC Foundation

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UA COM Interop - UA COM Server Wrapper : is client capable to browse topics' tags?
Forum Posts: 19
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08/01/2018 - 04:44
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Dear all,
I am quite new in OPC UA Foundation.

I took UA COM Interop application from this web. I connected it to another computer by setting <ServerUrl> Remote OPC Server</ServerUrl> in Opc.Ua.ComServerWrapper.Config.xml.

I used UA-.NETStandard Opc.Ua.SampleClient application to connect to server. I am able to browse all topic, but I am unable to see tags in those topics.

Does it behave as design, or I am missing some configuration, or I need to “load” taglist into the server/client?

Thank you

BR Rudo

Zbynek Zahradnik
Forum Posts: 62
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09/19/2018 - 09:04
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I do not know the answer, but I have one guess.

The RSLinx OPC server isn’t really the best one, if we want to assess the compliance with OPC standards. Specifically, its tag browsing is hopelessly broken. And I am not sure if the COM server wrapper can cope with that; probably not.

So, I would strongly suggest that you do your first tests with some other OPC Server. Just about anything, but not Rockwell. You can, for example, install our QuickOPC ( ) and you will end up with a simulation server whose browsing works well. But there are many other choices as well.

If your tests work with all or most other servers, but not Rockwell, it would be a confirmation that my guess was correct. In that case, however, I am afraid that will hardly be a help or workaround. The question then is, whether you *must* use RSLinx, or can choose something else, to achieve your goal.

Best regards

Added later: I have now looked at your other post in the GitHub issues, and found the picture you have provided there. And I have realized that I assumed that you do see at least “something” that comes from browsing the RSLinx server, but not everything. But in the pictures, it looks like that you only see the objects provided by the wrapper, but nothing that comes from the RSLinx server. In such case, it is also possible that the problem is elsewhere. Have you tried some other OPC “Classic” client to connect directly to the RSLinx server, and what were the results?

Forum Posts: 19
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