
Hi Team,
We are using Opc.Ua.Core.dll and Opc.Ua.Client.dll ( Version 1.4.354 ) in our application . Our application is targeted to .NET framework 4.6. Basically we have upgraded the OPC foundation SDK from Version 1.3.342 to version 1.04.354.
Problem :
When we try to communicate our OPC UA client application to any OPC UA server with any security mode ( Basic128Rsa15 , Basic 256 ) We are getting the error message
“SHA1 signed certificates are not trusted” .
It works fine with NONE security .
based on the reference https://github.com/OPCFoundati…..issues/306,
We have added below nodes under ‘SecurityConfiguration’ in our configuration file
But the ApplicationConfiguration.SaveToFile() function removes the node “RejectSHA1SignedCertificates” from the configuration file .
Could you please advice us any solution for this?
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