
Hi Everyone!
I’m currently developing an OPCUA server with the ‘UA.NET Standard’ library for testing services. The Device Under Test (DUT) runs an OPCUA Client, which automatically connects to a pre-defined server, discovers certain variables and subscribes to them.
My problem is that the DUT only subscribes to variables with the type ‘Byte Array’, and I could only configure the .NET server to create a variable with the type ‘ByteString’.
My variable is defined as a ‘BaseDataVariableState’ object.
DataType: NodeId – NamespaceIndex: 0, Identifier: 3 (DataTypeIds.Byte)
ValueRank: 1 (ValueRanks.OneDimension)
ArrayDimensions is also set
Value is set as a byte[] .NET object
How can I change the configuration to report it’s type as ‘Byte Array’?
Thank you for your help.
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