
I’m trying convert an absolute path to a node id instead of a relative path in .NET, but I can’t seem to figure out how to do that.
For example, the path for a node I’m trying to read is Root\Objects\EC\WT\13\WGRI1\Gri1\WMeas\mag
But when I try the below code, it doesn’t work, although the starting node is Objects folder.
var browsePathCollection = new BrowsePathCollection
{ new BrowsePath { RelativePath = RelativePath.Parse(@"EC\WT\13\WGRI1\Gri1\WMeas\mag", this._session.TypeTree), StartingNode = ObjectIds.ObjectsFolder } }; var paths = await this._session.TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsAsync(null, browsePathCollection , new CancellationToken());
Can you someone guide me in the right direction please?
Thank you.


The path you show is not complete. Each element in the path has a namespace that qualifies the name.
If you express the path using the NamespaceIndex (from the Server.NamespaceArray Property)
Then TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsAsync should works as expected.
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