
Hello I have a question regarding the EventFilter SelectClauses. I’m using the .Net Stack.
Lets say I have created a new EventType (MyDiscreteAlarmState) that derives from DiscreteAlarmState.
I have added a new double property (doubleAuto) to MyDiscreteAlarmState
How do I have to adjust the default EventFilter that the value “doubleAuto” is send with the event?
EventFilter.AddSelectClause(ObjectTypes.BaseEventType,”doubleAuto”) doesnt work.
The nodeId of “doubleAuto” is: “ns=2;i=40”
internal class MyDiscreteAlarmState : DiscreteAlarmState
private BaseDataVariableState _AutomaticAdditionalDouble;public MyDiscreteAlarmState(NodeState parent, ISystemContext systemContext, NodeId nodeId) : base(parent)
{_AutomaticAdditionalDouble = new BaseDataVariableState(this);
new QualifiedName(“doubleAuto”, 0),
null, true);
_AutomaticAdditionalDouble.Value = 199;AddChild(_AutomaticAdditionalDouble);
Thank you very much
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