
Commercial SDK vendors have VxWorks versions of their. Check with them on PubSub capabilities.
Search ‘SDK’: https://newwebsite.opcfoundati…..d-products
Thanks, Randy for your reply, Please let me rephrase my question. I am using OPC UA Foundation Libraries and wanna stick to them and I see that there is only OPC UA Foundation Libarary on ANIS C which could be an option to be used on VxWorks but wanted to make sure by posting it here. Did I get the library right for the VxWorks?


There is no OPC Foundation library that supports VxWorks since the only maintained library is .NET.
The ANSI C Library is no longer available for download. If you have an old version it could work but you will need to maintain.
The OPC Foundation invests resources in a certification program that allows developers of libraries to show they conform to the specification. If you are looking for a library recommended by the OPC Foundation then please choose a certified library. This is a better choice than simply looking for “OPC UA Foundation Libraries”.
That said, make sure you understand what functionality has been certified. In some cases, the libraries support more features than they have choosen to get tested.
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