
Hello Randy thanks for your answer.
Some thoughts on storing the OPC UA information models:
Right now I’m thinking of saving these models to a XML-Datatype in a relational database, because you can store additional meta data in another table. With this solution, models can be indexed and easily queried. A second solution would be to use a version control system like git with a client-application to upload the models. Metadata could be saved as markdown-files or in JSON-format. This approach needs another system on top, which provides index, and search options.
I think if you just want to save the models, both of the solutions are sufficient. Nevertheless, there are some drawbacks depending on the use case. For example if you want to provide a web frontend with a model editor, XML is not lightweight and you would need to implement sophisticated XQuery Functions on the client-side to parse and edit nodes of XML-files.
For my own personal use case, I want to link meta data information of OPC UA models with meta data of machine learning models in a platform to enrich search and compare functions for retrieving those machine learning models.
I am a PhD student and not involved into any activities of the WG.
How can I stay informed on this topic?
I would appreciate exchanging thoughts on this subject.


Well, I have been working on a proof-of-concept which can be found here:
The official NodeSets are used to generate the markdown pages.
It is possible to edit the markdown and use a tool to update the NodeSets with additional descriptions.
Note that each page has a ‘Category’ field which can be used for free form text association.
The category is stored in the NodeSet.
I have done some work on automatically extracting text from the specification documents and adding it to the NodeSets/markdown.
This page can be used to search:
For example, If one was looking for a “Decimal” type then type “Decimal” the search box and click ‘Code’.
You get this result:
My hope it is would be possible to create a custom front end for the GitHub search pages.
Any comments or feedback are welcome.


Hi. I was enjoying your
But it seems to have disappeared. Any way it can be brought back or can I clone it somehow. Was using the README to surf the model. Still learning.
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