Note that this is sample code. It was provided by a volunteer who is no longer involved with this topic.
I recommend entering this issue to the github repository https://github.com/OPCFoundation/UA-.NET. There might be support from the open source community.


I didn’t get any response from the github team.
There is a design issue on the OPC HDA proxy. Especially on the UA COM Interop module.
When we browse using the NodeID the HDA browse succeeded. But when we browse using the browse name we got the browse issue.
After troubleshooting the problem, we noticed that when browsing using the browse name we got wrong address space.
After debugging the issue, we noticed that there is a map indexed by the NodeID. The map is m_cache.
The method that cause the problem is GetRemotenodeid (could not get the nodeid from the browse name)
Is there a technical team from OPC foundation that can answer my question??????
If you test the OPC HDA proxy of OPC foundation you will get the same issue.


When we browse using the NodeID the HDA browse succeeded. But when we browse using the browse name we got the browse issue.
Can you clarify what you mean by different node id. Are you saying the namespace indexes change but the identifiers are the same or the entire node id if completely different?


If I browse the address using an OPC HDA Client and I got the nodes identified by their BrowseName, the browse failed and I get a wrong address space.
The issue is due to the method GetRemoteNodeId which gets the BrowseName and returned a wrong NodeId.
The address space is stored in a map “m_cache” indexed by the NodeID and not the BrowseName, so it could not recognize the node.
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