
A number are under development. The OPC Foundation is working on material to better assist people looking to use PubSub with MQTT. It will be published in the next month or two.
OPC Labs has one now:
Randy Armstrong said
A number are under development. The OPC Foundation is working on material to better assist people looking to use PubSub with MQTT. It will be published in the next month or two.OPC Labs has one now:
Thank you for your reply.
I was wondering if the upcoming material from the OPC Foundation has any specifications on how MQTT topics are handled? E.g. is there a convention for automatic and dynamic discovery of topics? or do topics have to be preconfigured on the publisher and subscriber so the subscriber knows which topic to subscribe to on start up?


there a convention for automatic and dynamic discovery of topics? or do topics have to be preconfigured on the publisher and subscriber so the subscriber knows which topic to subscribe to on start up?
Good question. The short answer is there is a convention. Details will be published with the tutorials that are under development.
The material will be presented at:

OpenOpcUa provide an OPC UA MQTT publisher.
This is part of the OpenOpcUaCoreServer run Windows and Linux. Our platform use HiveMq broker and the ConsoleReferenceSubscriber.
At the moment we are looking for Subscriber to validate our implemenation.
Feel free to contact me for any detail you may want.
Michel Condemine


The MQTT + JSON samples are published:

your .Net IOT Starter kit is interesting .
According to the Starterkit Topics seems to use something like :
Then topics can be retrieve by the subscriber using MQTT topic wildcards (mqtt-v3.1.1 §4.7.1)
Great. But I’d like to have something from the specificatiion itself explaining officialy this.
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