
i got a pretty weird problem with a PLC Connection…
Once my Connection is seup and everything is running i subscribe 6 monitored itemss to one subscription to track valuechanges.
On Top of the “reaction” to each item i got a seperate thread reading and writing to the PLC.
When a new program Version is send to the PLC my connection drops ( whih is expected i supose ?)
From time to time my Connection is not able to reconnect and stops the network adapter doesnt even try to connect anymore (checked with wireshark).
This happens in 1 out of 10 trys. When i restart my client everything reconnects and works again.
The last error in the trace is “”Opc.Ua.ServiceResultException” but i got no idea why it ssometimes works and sometimes doesent. anyone ideas ?
Iam currently not 100% certain that its a cclient side problem but since i cant influence the opc server (SIEMENS Built in OP UA) i want to make sure that there is no way to get this working consistenly before telling my customer to restart the client in case of server crashes :/
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