
The .NETstandard OPC-UA server now rejects the weak Sha1-signed certificates. However, my newly minted Sha2-signature seems to be interpreted as a Sha1-signed signature and gets rejected as a consequence.
I generated a Sha2-signed key and self-signed certificated by this means:
openssl req -x509 -config ssl.cnf -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -new -nodes -days 365 -keyout id_rsa_opcua_client_private_key.pem -outform DER -out id_rsa_opcua_client_cert.der
openssl x509 -in id_rsa_opcua_client_cert.der -inform DER -text -noout
When connecting to the .NETstandard console server, the logged response is this
26-7-2019 09:51:09.652 Channel 2 in Opening state.
26-7-2019 09:51:09.719 Security Policy: https://newwebsite.opcfoundati…..c256Sha256
26-7-2019 09:51:09.720 Sender Certificate: E=me@somewhere.com, CN=hors-pair, O=CasseCroute, L=Volksrust, S=ZH, C=NL
26-7-2019 09:51:09.721 Token #0 created. CreatedAt = 07:51:09.721 . Lifetime = 3600000
26-7-2019 09:51:09.725 SECURE CHANNEL CREATED [.NetStandard ServerChannel UA-TCP 1.4.354.0] [ID=2] Connected To: opc.tcp://hors-pair:51210/UA/SampleServer [SignAndEncrypt/Basic256Sha256/Binary] Client Certificate: [E=me@somewhere.com, CN=hors-pair, O=CasseCroute, L=Zoetermeer, S=ZH, C=NL] [AE41B8B60167D4DAF809E3629AE782711A5FB3C0] Server Certificate: [CN=Zevenaar-opcuaserver-ebs, C=NL, L=Zoetermeer, O=Siemens Mobility B.V., DC=hors-pair] [CAF410AB9955B74BBC231C043CE325249AC75BB5]
26-7-2019 09:51:09.732 Token #1 activated. CreatedAt = 07:51:09.721 . Lifetime = 3600000
26-7-2019 09:51:09.733 Channel 2 in Open state.
26-7-2019 09:51:09.734 Channel 2: SendOpenSecureChannelResponse()
26-7-2019 09:51:09.771 Channel 2: ProcessRequestMessage 2
26-7-2019 09:51:09.882 Session CREATED, Id=ns=4;i=1832884893, Name=Pure Python Client Session1, ChannelId=6258a10f-2074-48d1-9eb0-3ae348d61578-2, User=Anonymous
26-7-2019 09:51:09.898 Server – SESSION CREATED. SessionId=ns=4;i=1832884893
26-7-2019 09:51:09.901 Channel 2: SendResponse 2
26-7-2019 09:51:09.910 Channel 2: ProcessRequestMessage 3
26-7-2019 09:51:09.930 Server – SESSION ACTIVATE failed. Unexpected signature algorithm for Basic256Sha256/Aes128_Sha256_RsaOaep: http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1
Expected signature algorithm: http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256
26-7-2019 09:51:09.955 Channel 2: SendResponse 3
26-7-2019 09:51:38.300 Channel 0 in Connecting state.
26-7-2019 09:51:39.311 Channel 0: Close
A check of the certificate by means of
openssl x509 -in id_rsa_opcua_client_cert.der -inform DER -text -noout
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C = NL, ST = ZH, L = Volksrust, O = CasseCroute, CN = hors-pair, emailAddress = me@somewhere.com
Not Before: Jul 25 08:45:41 2019 GMT
Not After : Jul 24 08:45:41 2020 GMT
Subject: C = NL, ST = ZH, L = Volksrust, O = CasseCroute, CN = hors-pair, emailAddress = me@somewhere.com
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit)
…. cut …. cutX509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
keyid:46:80:03:29:4F:13:0E:95:F6:A7:0F:C9:EA:C3:E3:60:9C:FE:B0:31X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
X509v3 Key Usage:
Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment, Certificate Sign
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
Netscape Comment:
OpenSSL certificaat voor opc-ua server
And the final client-side check of the certificate, the fingerprint matches the one reported by the server (ae41b8b60167d4daf809e3629ae782711a5fb3c0)
[Image Can Not Be Found]
Finally, I run the UA-.NETStandard master branch 50c9a677350b378cb5b84584dc3df9642c2541cc from march 22, 2019.


ActivateSession requires that the Client compute a signature for the nonce provided by the Server. The algorithm URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1) is supplied with the signature. It looks like this issue is caused by your client putting the wrong URI in the algorithm bucket or using SHA1 to compute the signature on the nonce when it should be using SHA256.


Thanks for this answer. It worked out that the client indeed presents a bug as reported here.
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