
Wondering if there is a StandardTypes.xsd somewhere. I see this https://github.com/OPCFoundati…..dTypes.xml
Thing is, I mostly dabble in Java and would like an xsd to generate all those enums, constants and classes. We are using the Prosyst Java library and would like to use the standard event types, e.g., BaseEventType and everything below it.
I notice the Prosyst folks had to work around this too and created some of their own enums, constants and classes.
I also noticed some of the other libraries out there did the same.
We want to create logic that is consistent across anyone’s OPCUA library so having the EventTypes in XSD would be helpful. I can ingest the XML and I could learn how to export XSD, but was hoping I wouldn’t have to do that.
Any thoughts?


This file is the normative document that defines all types in the specification:
This file contains only the types that should appear in the address space of a server:
The UANodeSet schema is described in Part 6 and defined here:
The UANodeSet is the UA equivalent of an XSD file.
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