What's the simplest way to get started publishing my data through an OPC UA server?|OPC UA Implementation: Stacks, Tools, and Samples|Forum|OPC Foundation

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What's the simplest way to get started publishing my data through an OPC UA server?
Vegard Guttormsen_1
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11/10/2022 - 03:09
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Hey all,

This is my first time attempting to make an OPC UA application. What I want to do is to fetch data from different public REST APIs, format the data and then send it securely to an automation system. It will all run on a Windows Server as a service for now, but will later be in Docker.

I’ve created the app that fetches the data and modelled it into C#-classes. Now, how to use the ConsoleReferenceServer project to make a minimal solution to serve my data?

The ReferenceServer has miles of classes and XML files to declare different data types, and it’s a bit daunting.  My objects are data classes which have some lists containing different sub-data-classes. Ultimately data types are decimal numbers (double) and strings. How can I make this into something which is compliant with OPC UA and get the server to read the data?

For the initial version, the data will be updated hourly. I would like for the client to be able to subscribe to the values. 


Many thanks in advance!Laugh

Randy Armstrong
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11/10/2022 - 06:41
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If you have a bunch of classes with string and numeric data that is updated hourly then you will likely want to create an ObjectType that mirrors your classes.


class SomeOptionalData {
     double X;
     double Y;
     string Z;

class SomeData{
    double A;
    string B;
    SomeOptionalData  C;

would have the mapping

SomeOptionalData => SomeOptionalDataType

ObjectType SomeData => SomeDataType

where SomeOptionalData  has 3 Properties X, Y and Z

and SomeData  has 2 Properties A and C and a component C;

You would then create as many instances of the ObjectTypes as you need.

When it comes writing code the quickest way is to use the ModelCompiler (https://github.com/OPCFoundati…..elCompiler).

This requires that you replicate your class model in an XML file (https://github.com/OPCFoundati…..Design.xml)

Once you generate the classes you can instantiate the Objects using code you see for m_boiler2 here: https://github.com/OPCFoundati…..Manager.cs

I recommend you get the Boiler sample running, modify the ModelDesign to have a some ObjectTypes that look like your data and follow the same design patterns to instantiate and update objects,

You should have a working server in no time.

BTW: when creating instances you have 2 choices: well-known instances defined in the design file (m_boiler1) or instances created at runtime (m_boiler2).

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