
I am trying to write a single value in an array of booleans. My code looks as follows:
WriteValueCollection nodesToWrite = new WriteValueCollection();
WriteValue writeVal = new WriteValue();
writeVal.NodeId = new NodeId(nodeID);
writeVal.AttributeId = Attributes.Value;
writeVal.Value = new DataValue(new Variant(true));
writeVal.IndexRange = “1”;
StatusCodeCollection results = null;
DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos;
out results,
out diagnosticInfos);
Unfortunately I get a BadWriteNotSupported as a reply. I’ve tried setting writeVal.Value.Value to the following:
Boolean[] toWrite = { true };
Variant[] toWrite2 = { new Variant(true) };
Boolean[,] toWrite3 = { { true } };
And unfortunately I get the same error. It’s possible to write single values by using ua Expert, so I am sure that the server allows writing single values.
I have been able to subscribe to the properties and read them, but not write to them. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Servers may not support index writes for every variable (some servers front end other systems which do not support the feature).
A WriteFullArrayOnly bit has been added to the AccessLevel to allow Servers to indicate when writes are not supported:
For servers that do not support the bit, the BadWriteNotSupported code tells that client that index writes are not supported for the variable.
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