
For the event monitored item, does the queue size in client item equals to ‘0’ holds any significant value.
If the client item uses 1 as the default minimum possible value and never allow 0 to be set as the queue size in the client item, would it be a non compliance in context to OPC Certification. I need to understand should the client it self put a non zero check for the queue size and never passes 0 as queue size is okay or non compliant ?


data monitored items:
0 or 1 the Server returns the default queue size which shall be 1 as revisedQueueSize for data monitored items.
event monitored items:
0 the Server returns the default queue size for Event Notifications as revisedQueueSize for event monitored items.1 the Server returns the minimum queue size the Server requires for Event Notifications as revisedQueueSize.
If the requested queueSize is outside the minimum or maximum, the Server shall return the corresponding bounding value. In the case of a queue overflow, an Event of the type EventQueueOverflowEventType is generated.
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