I have a conceptual question about an aggregating of servers:
Lets assume that we have an aggregating server to which I added namespaces with indexes 4 and 5:
[0] https://newwebsite.opcfoundation.org/UA/
[1] urn:vm-win16-fei:UA:TestServer
[2] http://phi-ware.com/AggregatingServer
[3] https://newwebsite.opcfoundation.org/UA/Diagnostics
I added a ServerAS object [ns=5] of aggregated server under the ObjectIds.ObjectsFolder [ns=2]. I added other nodes of ServerAS all to ns=5.
An OPC UA client cannot browse ServerAS. I assume it is because Browse request (at aggregating server side) tries to find nodeid in server’s nodemanager[5] which does not exists. Is it correct?
Do I need to add a nodemanager for added ServerAS? In other words do I need for each aggregated server create an address space in separate nodemanager?
Or MasterNodeManager.RegisterNamespaceManager could be a good point to add namespace and nodemanager?
Thank you
BR Rudo
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