
It depends on your requirements.
Putting more fields, when it makes sense, into a single DataSet can reduce overhead.
But too many fields can make messages too large.
Ideally, DataSets should contain fields which Subscribers need to see as a group.
So you if you had one group of Subscribers that only cared about the humidity and another group only cared about the temperature then you could argue that different DataSets made sense.
But if your Subscribers always need temperature and humidity then there should be 1 DataSet.
Other factors such as different publishing rates could also affect the decision.


Then maybe you should be looking at client-server subscriptions instead of pub-sub.
The pub-sub model only works if publishers have fixed bundles of data that are interest to subscribers.
If you have a situation where every subscriber needs a different set of data then cllient-server subscriptions make more sense because each client can select exactly what it needs.
Why did you decide you needed pubsub?
Well, What I can do is to group singles based on sub-systems and make each sub-system one subscriber, this will result in 500 signals per sub-system (subscriber). How about this case?
I decided on PubSub because I don`t want to go with the overhead that Client-Server adds. I need very low latency and less resource (processor, memory, and network) consumption. Additionally, PubSub is more loosely coupled than


I decided on PubSub because I don`t want to go with the overhead that Client-Server adds. I need very low latency and less resource (processor, memory, and network) consumption.
It is a complicated problem. Have you done benchmarks based on your system requirements or are you making theoretical assumptions?
You don’t get those benefits if you are publishing a huge volume of information that most subscribers do not care about.
Multiple subscriptions with only the necessary data points could result in less resource consumption.
So you if you had one group of Subscribers that only cared about the humidity and another group only cared about the temperature then you could argue that different DataSets made sense.
Following this topic, if I have a group of subscribers that are interested only in humidity and some other on temperature, the better approach is to create two different datasets, right? So the question is as we are on PubSub with the UDP model all subscribers will receive both datasets, then why having different datasets could be an improvement and less overhead?
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