
With the BaseEventType and its extensions, it´s possible to define a condition considered important, which can trigger an event notification. This notification just tells that that condition has happened, or in a more basic example, a boolean variable went from FALSE to TRUE.
Now, if I need to represent into OPC UA an event with start and finish conditions (like a boolean variable going from FALSE to TRUE, and then back to FALSE) with start and end times, it´s not clear what would be the best approach.
The AlarmConditionType implements the ActiveState property (which is what i need), but it is an extension from the AcknowledgeableConditionType, which is an overhead, because the acknowledgement of such type of event is not necessary.
So I think about 2 possibilities:
a) I could extend the ConditionType and create a custom type that implements the ActiveState concept;
b) I could use the AlarmConditionType in a way that events raised are already acknowledged.
Which one is the best? Or there are another way that is not clear for me at the moment. Thanks!


Some terminology clarifications:
A condition is a form of a state machine. Transitions between states produce events.
It sounds like you have have a simple state machine. You should probably use one instead of trying to use the alarm model in ways it is not intended: https://reference.opcfoundatio…..cs/Part16/
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