Hello everyone,
I am dealing with xml imports and a bit confused about the differences/meanings of some files in the UA-Nodeset repo on github. I am especially confused by these files:
– Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.Services.xml
– Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml
– and the sum of Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.Part*.xml files
At the moment, we are importing all NodeSet2.Part*.xml files (Part 12 was excluded in that case). When I wanted to import NodeSet2.Part12.xml as well, I got an error, that a Node was missing, which just exists in NodeSet2.Services.xml and NodeSet2.xml. So I am a bit confused about the who is who of those files.
Which one of these I have to import to get the whole UA standard?
How are the mentioned files related to eachother (perhaps Subsets?)?
Thanks for any explanation.


The Part X files are for information only. It impossible to use them independently. The WG is working on category based mechanism that will allow users to selectively import nodes and end up with a useful subset. The Part X files were a failed attempt to provide this capability.
Services.xml defines all types, include types which are only used in the Server calls. An example is the ReadRequest DataType which defines the structure for a Read request. This file is only of interest to stack developers.
Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml is the file that anyone working with information models needs.
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