
I’m testing OpenModelica and it’s native OPC server as a process simulator and tag generator for OPC clients.
The first client I tested was UAexpert. It worked and I was able to see the simulated process variable changing as the interactive simulation was running.
Then, as for a more complex and aiming on my final objective I decided to use a SCADA OPC client and I chose Indusoft for that
At first, i was able to connect indusoft to the opc server, and even create indusoft tags attached to the ones created at OpenModelica. In that step, it was possible to test the connection and it worked. I created a simple view with a bargraph and attached it to a analog tag from the simulation.
And as soon as i started the simulation on OpenModelica, the opc connection on indusoft was stopped! I couldn’t even test the connection. And there was no change on the bargraph. But i was suprised to see that sometimes, I could browse for the OPC tags and see its current value as the simulation was running! But was random and most of the times it would fail the connection.
Any ideias on why that’s happening? Thanks!
Also, if anyone has some king of knowledge or tutorial on how to correctly use the OPC feature on OpenModelica, it would be great! I can’t find any info source on this online!!
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