
In the Spec Part14 Pub/Sub, it mention that a Publisher will be an OPC UA Server and a Subscriber is often an OPC UA Client, but UA Clients also can be Publishers and OPC UA Servers can be Subscribers. In fact, there is no necessity for Publishers or Subscribers to be either an OPC UA Server or an OPC UA Client to participate in PubSub communications.
My question is : Does a Publisher as a OPC UA Server can only communication with those Subscribers as OPC UA Clients, or it can communication with all kinds of Subscriber no matter the subscribers are as Server, Client, or just Subscriber?


The Publisher/Subscriber roles are independent of the Client/Server roles as far as the specification is concerned.
A Client can be a Publisher or a Subscriber or both.
A Publisher or Subscriber can be a Client, a Server, both or neither.
The text simply notes that in many real applications an application which is a Publisher would often also be a Server.
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