
I am looking for more information about the discovery process via GDS/LDS or other.
How would a machine look for a certain machine?
Machine X (of type A) needs to communicate with any machine (of type B) from a pool of machines (containing types A, B, C, D).
How would one conceptually perform such a lookup to make sure a machine found via findServers really is of the requested type?
I am kind of familiar with the registerServer/registerServer2 and findServers methods for the discovery service.
I also know one can filter by capabilities, which in my case is not helpful, since all machines have the default capabilities (DA).
From my understanding the result of findServers is a list of servers that contains the endpoints or discoveryUrls and information about
applicationName, applicationURI, productURI and so on of the found servers.
I cannot use an aggregating server.
Is there something else I could utilize to look for mentioned machinetype?
Would it be applicable to further examine the applicationURI on the client or would it be okay to “specify” the machinetype there, eg.
<urn:domain:factory:type:something:id:1234:name:xx> ?
How would it be done?
Best regards


Discovery in UA does not identify the machines by design.
It identifies the endpoints and the applications.
That said, you could use the ApplicationUris to convey information about the machine type.
If you don’t have control over the ApplicationUris then the only way to publish this information is in the address space of Servers.
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